Thursday, September 28, 2017

what I have learn't in week 10 term 3

I have learnt a strategy to do questions like 7x365 or 29x1376 written form, This will help for now and for future, I come across a lot of long multiplication in math books,tests and work sheets.This strategy is simple,easy and helpful.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Doing Nothing

It’s a saturday afternoon and I feel bored sleepy and heaps of other emotions so I go upstairs to  lie on my bed, as I’m lying down I can hear the wind blowing and the birds chirping.I look at my   pillow case with A beautiful yacht on it and I’m imagining I am traveling the calm hawaiian seas with cheerful dolphins swimming by my yacht but as soon as I blinked twice I’m back in my room lying down on my bed doing absolutely nothing.

My dog Bruno walks quietly into my room and lies down right next to my bed.Then I opened my draw full of dog treats with lot’s of selection I let Bruno choose one gorgeous treat, he chose the classic bone, he grabbed the bone with his mouth and walked out my room.then I started to go sleepy and of I went to sleep and I dream about being on the yacht.